Dongguan Taike Trading Co., Ltd.
Dongguan Taike Trading Co., Ltd.


What to do if the air compressor pressure is insufficient?

Air compressors are widely used in many industries today, but are they the air compressor you use when the pressure is insufficient? Do you know how to solve it? Let’s talk about it in detail below.

1. If this happens, it may be because the barometer is not working properly. At this time, attention must be paid to the air pressure gauge. If there is insufficient pressure, the engine can be run at medium speed for a few minutes. If the pressure still does not increase or increases very slowly, the brake pedal must be depressed. If the air is very strong, it indicates that the barometer is damaged and we need to repair the barometer at this time.

2. The transmission belt between the air compressor and the engine is loose or slipping, the pipe between the air compressor and the gas tank is broken or the gasket is leaking. At this time, we need to check whether the air compressor belt is too loose, from the air compressor to the air tank and the control valve inlet pipe and gasket to see if it is loose, cracked or leaking.

3. The oil-water separator, pipeline or air filter is blocked due to excessive sediment. At this time, you need to check whether the oil-water separator and air filter, as well as the dirt in the pipes, are clogged due to excessive dirt. If it is clogged, the dust must be removed.

4. The air compressor exhaust valve is poorly sealed, the spring is too soft or broken, the air compressor cylinder head bolts are loose, and the sand holes and cylinder head gasket are damaged, causing air leakage. At this time, please check whether the air compressor exhaust valve is leaking. , whether the spring is too soft or broken, etc. Replace or repair damaged parts based on discovered faults.

5. The air compressor cylinder, piston liner and piston ring are worn, causing air leakage. We need to check the air compressor cylinder liner and piston rings for excessive wear.

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